The user selects (i) the shape and dimensions of a wafer, (ii) the wafer material (e.g., Si, GaAs), and (iii) the conversion efficiency
at a particular incident illumination intensity.
The wafer calculator then calculates (i) the area and volume of the wafer, (ii) the mass of the wafer, and (iii) the output power and
power per gram.
Version 1.4, 16-May-2014.
Neither PV Lighthouse nor any person related to the compilation of this calculator
make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness or usefulness of any information disclosed or rendered by this calculator.
The calculation of the wafer area A is trivial for all shapes except 'pseudosquare', for which
A = (θ⋅dia2)/2 + flat⋅x,
where θ = π/2 2⋅arccos(x/dia), and flat = sqrt(dia2 x2).
The other equations used by the wafer calculator are V = A⋅t, M = V⋅d, Pout = η⋅I⋅A,
and the power per gram equals Pout/M.
All symbols are defined on the calculator tab.
Most commercial solar cells are manufactured from Si wafers that are either square (x = 15.6 cm) or pseudosquare (x = 15.6 cm with dia = 20 cm, or x = 12.5 cm with dia = 15 or 16.5 cm).
Their thickness is typically within the range 120–220 μm.
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