Interactive Graph View

This is the view you will want to use most often when inspecting solution results. It displays a single graph, and allows you to zoom into regions of the graph, and extract the values of individual points.

To zoom into part of the graph:

With the mouse: Press the left mouse button. Drag over the area you want to zoom into. Release the left mouse button. (To cancel the zoom, press the right mouse button or the ESC key).

With the keyboard: Use the arrow keys to move the caret (the blinking line) to one end of the area you are interested in. Press ENTER. Move the caret to the other end. Press ENTER.

To zoom out:

With the mouse: Press the right mouse button.

With the keyboard: Press the ESC key.

Zooming out when the graph is already fully 'zoomed out' will return you to the four-graphs view.

To examine graphs from previous simulations:

Press PAGEUP or PAGEDOWN to view the graphs from the last 16 simulations.