Region Manager (Device menu)

The Region Manager selections in the Device Menu offer the following commands:

Select Region Selecting a region number makes that the “current” region, such that any examination or modification of region parameters using the Device Menu will apply to that region. A region can also be selected by clicking on any line pertaining to that region in the Parameter View. The current region is displayed on the toolbar as a button. Pressing this button increments the current region. Region numbers that are not defined for this device are disabled.
Insert Region Selecting a number inserts a new region at that point in the device. Region 1 is always the front of the device. The new region will be defined with parameters that duplicate the most recently selected region, except that surface recombination and diffusions are set to zero. Once inserted, the new region becomes the current region.
Remove Region Selecting a number removes that region from the device. Any higher-numbered regions are shifted toward the front of the device. The current region is reset to one of the regions still remaining.