These results parameters give you access to the voltage, current and power for the base and collector contacts, and for the internal shunt elements. The values displayed in the batch results will be the steady-state values (for steady state excitation mode) or the final transient time step (for transient excitation).
Name | Meaning | Units |
Vb | Base voltage | V |
Vc | Collector voltage | V |
Ib | Base current | A |
Vb | Collector current | A |
BaseVoc | Voc, base contact | V |
BaseIsc | Isc, base contact | A |
BasePmax | Pmax, base contact | W |
CollVoc | Voc, collector contact | V |
CollIsc | Isc, collector contact | A |
CollPmax | Pmax, collector contact | W |
V1 | Voltage across 1st shunt element | V |
I1 | Current through 1st shunt element | A |
V2 | Voltage across 2nd shunt element | V |
I2 | Current through 2nd shunt element | A |
V3 | Voltage across 3rd shunt element | V |
I3 | Current through 3rd shunt element | A |
V4 | Voltage across 4th shunt element | V |
I4 | Current through 4th shunt element | A |
These parameters give you access to all of the results used by the spatial graphs . You must specify the distance from front (in um) in parentheses after the name. e.g. Jn(10.5) gives the electron current density at the point 10.5 um from the front surface. The values displayed in the batch results will be the steady-state values (for steady state excitation mode) or the final transient time step (for transient excitation).
Name | Meaning | Units |
Na | Acceptor Doping Density | cm-3 |
RBulk | Bulk Recombination Rate | cm-3/s |
Rho | Charge Density | C/cm3 |
Ec | Conduction Band Edge | eV |
Cond | Conductivity | S/cm |
CCum | Cumulative Conductivity | S |
CCum_ | Cumulative Excess Conductivity | S |
Gcum | Cumulative Photogeneration | s-1 |
Rcum | Cumulative Recombination | s-1 |
Perm | Dielectric Constant (Permeability) | - |
Ld | Diffusion Length | m |
Nd | Donor Doping Density | cm-3 |
Eg | Effective Energy Gap | eV |
Nie | Effective Intrinsic Concentration | cm-3 |
E | Electric Field | V/cm |
In | Electron Current | A |
Jn | Electron Current Density | A/cm2 |
N | Electron Density | cm-3 |
Ndiff | Electron Diff. Current Density | A/cm2 |
Ndrift | Electron Drift Current Density | A/cm2 |
MuN | Electron Mobility | cm2/Vs |
PhiN | Electron Quasi-Fermi Energy | eV |
Vn | Electron Velocity | cm/s |
Psi | Electrostatic Potential | V |
Rho_ | Excess Charge Density | C/cm3 |
Cond_ | Excess Conductivity | S/cm |
N_ | Excess Electron Density | cm-3 |
Nratio | Excess Electron Density Ratio | |
Psi_ | Excess Electrostatic Potential | V |
P_ | Excess Hole Density | cm-3 |
Pratio | Excess Hole Density Ratio | |
PNratio | Excess pn Product Ratio | |
G | Generation Rate | cm-3/s |
Ip | Hole Current | A |
Jp | Hole Current Density | A/cm2 |
P | Hole Density | cm-3 |
Pdiff | Hole Diff. Current Density | A/cm2 |
Pdrift | Hole Drift Current Density | A/cm2 |
MuP | Hole Mobility | cm2/Vs |
PhiP | Hole Quasi-Fermi Energy | eV |
Vp | Hole Velocity | cm/s |
Tau | LLI Carrier Lifetime | s |
PNnorm | Normalized Excess pn Product | |
Res | Resistivity | ohm*cm |
It | Total Current | A |
Jt | Total Current Density | A/cm2 |
Evac | Vacuum Energy | eV |
Ev | Valence Band Edge | eV |